
by InstaRabbi



How often have the following situations occurred to you?- You do not know if it is allowed to do ...- Do you want to ask something you dont feel comfortable asking someone who knows you?- Do you have doubts but you dont know who to ask?- Do you always feel guilty because you disturb your rav excessively with simple questions?Too often many of us are convinced that we know what is the right thing to do, or that it is very likely that they are right, but remain in doubt.With InstaRav you can take your Jewish observance to the next level by allowing you not to leave Be ”H your unsolved doubts.InstaRabbi (in the Italian version InstaRav) allows Jews from all over the world to ask questions about the Torah and Halakhah, obtaining a quick BeEzrat HaShem response based on the opinion of the main Poseqim.Submit your application questions and await BeEzrat HaShem for a quick response from our trained rabbanim staff who are committed to improving halakhic observance of Jews around the world. Now B ”H also in Italian!Torah, Torah in Italian, Judaism, Italian Judaism, responsa, shut, questions and answers, Rav Aharon Braha, rabbi, rav, Deror Yqrà, Deror, dror, ikrà, Tora, Torah, halakhàh, halacha, Minhaghim, minhag, parashàh, parashat Hashavua, Hebrew, Judaism, Hebrew, Gemara, Gemara, Talmud, Mishnah, Mishnah, Neviim, Prophets, Hagiographs, Ketuvim, Jewishness